DIVINE DIRECTION discovery call

One-on-One Free 30 Minute Call

  • Do you have self doubt?

  • Are you feeling confused?

  • Do you need to know what to do next, to proceed with confidence on your spiritual journey?

Barbara Marie has faced the same issues AS YOU, in the past, and is now YOUR INNER GUIDANCE EXPERT.

On this complimentary call,
she will help you:

See where you are now
Find out where you want to be
Tell you what your next best steps are, for you to move forward with clarity, confidence, and a new energy of joy.

The Divine Direction
 Discovery Call

 If you are wondering about your spiritual life in general, book this Divine Direction Discovery Call.

Speak with Barbara Marie to gain clarity... this will lead to your having confidence as you step forward on your journey.

This call is limited to one per person.

Book your call 


Special Note from Barbara Marie

If you are struggling in any way or have a lack of clarity on your spiritual journey, let’s have a conversation. I know myself, I have a hard time being vulnerable because I am known as a leader and maybe that is the same for you. Sometimes it’s hard to admit that we need help. That help may come in the form of a coach, a guide or an advisor who has been where you are now and has found their way through it and become successful in their field.

I offer you this one-on-one free 30 minute Next Best Step Discovery Call.  I help Lightworkers and other spiritual seekers to explore, expand and express their Divine Essence.  Part of that is just seeing where you are now and where you would like to be.

If you would like to get some clarity on your own personal situation just click on the calendar link and set up your call.

Many Blessings,
Reverend Barbara Marie Babish, Ph.D.