From the Light Bodies session with Elizabeth Wysen on Dec. 8th 2024
This is directly and fully quoted from Elizabeth from the transcript of her group session on Dec. 8, 2024.
Barbara Marie asked about the RAINBOW LIGHT BODIES…

“Um, the rainbow light body. That's the 10th. That's the 10th dimension. Is the the rainbow, well, that's the eighth dimension. The 10th and eighth are very similar, but the the eighth dimension is what you're really talking about. So the eighth dimension is where we collapse good and evil. Now there's not a polarity of good and evil. There's only the valuing of all possible qualities of light, including dark light.

So the eighth light body would be absolutely perfect to hang out in that one. And yeah, and you brought it through, because it's really important for people to get past the angelic/demonic Realm. The seventh dimension is the angelic demonic realm, the good and evil dynamics, and then when you collapse it all the eighth dimension.

Opens up the rainbow light body, and the rainbow light body is full of endless wisdom. It's a playground. It's the where the cities of light are. It's incredibly formless. And the light talkers are there, and they're like if you smashed all the angels and all the demons into one being. And they're very cool that they interact with you as you are, but they have great compassion.
Yeah, a lot of these things we can't really explain in words very well, and you're working with the seven colors, but the next step will be the next step will be all of the other parts of the spectrum.

So you were right in order to work with people to where they where they understand. But now there's other qualities of light that need to be discovered. So hang out with bar infrared light. Hang out with X ray light. Hang out with UV, A, B and C and D lights. Hang out with all the different other qualities. The spectrum of light is much larger than what we can perceive, and that I love how they like have it on, like a spectrum, and then it just stops.

And that's not how it really works in the universe. It keeps going. And there's a lot more qualities, um, and we'll start to see more of them, because we're getting more light from the galactic center, but that's how I would approach it, um, and that's, I think, what's happened is you've understood that these qualities of light that are most intimate with us, they have different effects, mind, body, spirit, and they have different kinds of wisdom. And as you traverse those realms, um, they they have great effect on the physical and mental and emotional body and the spirit. But there's more so that would be the next step is to ask, show me more. 

Show me the rest of this realm. That's where you're hanging out, is the eighth dimension. So if you just listen to the eighth Light Body a few times. Kind of hang out with that. That'll help inform more of what that place that you're in and grounding for people really is. And it's important, because then people can get away from good and evil dynamics, right? And the eighth dimensions is far more comfortable place to be so, yeah, hang with that. Maybe that'll help. I hope it does. ”

Elizabether Wysen Dec. 2024