100% Money Back Guarantee before the second class
Refund only before the week 2 class but not if you had your private session with Barbara Marie. We have to stay in integrity with the value of Barbara Marie's time.
our customers
Our amazing customers are loving us, here's what they are saying
Our session was one of the most highly spiritual experiences I ever had, and I have had many glorious, out-of-this-world spiritual experiences on my journey. I can easily recognize an authentic, true master, and Barbara Marie is one of them!
Medea Bavarella Lapalme
"Over the years Barbara Marie has really grown in her gifts and she shares her gifts in so many ways. She is such a blessing to her students and clients."
Heather Haynes
Every time I meditate and bring your name in I get a vision of clapping and excitement from the other side.
Jill C Brown
"I am so glad we reconnected! Thank you for sharing your gifts! You have had a profound impact on my life over the years. I am truly grateful."
"Janice Davies
New Zealand
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