Elizabeth Wysen

Main Website HERE.

Elizabeth Wysen

Considered an advanced seer, Elizabeth Wysen works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology, trauma healing and futurism. With her lifelong ability to see into and work with all dimensions, her theoretical and psychic work has helped people all over the world.

Called "Living Library and Oracle", Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine. She has two science degrees, including a Masters in Applied Anthropology. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.

Free Gift:  

Galactic Forgiveness Meditation: A guided musical meditation for "Galactic Forgiveness"

In this special meditation Elizabeth guides you with both music and words from the inside of your heart to the edge of the Universe to forgive. The music she wrote is meant to help you heal and relax as we dig deep into the traumas and fears around our Galactic Past. She leads you with love to find your most expansive and healed heart space.

Find it HERE.  

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