Inner Guidance Mastery

7 week journey

I believe Inner guidance comes from our Inner spiritual gifts, as well as from what I call metaphysical tools. This all comes to us, in combination with God, the Universe, the Holy Spirit or Angels, Guides, or even the dearly departed.  We can receive information from one source, or from many sources all at once.  The bottom line is that we are getting help and guidance that is for our Highest good.  If we intend to receive it, it will come to us.

Receiving Inner guidance is important because it is the best and most accurate way to receive guidance for your life. It helps you make decisions.  It by passes the brain and reasoning which is how we usually make decisions.  When you are guided by your Highest Self and your Inner guidance, you can fully trust in the answers you receive. You can go about your day without worry, knowing that what you do is for the best.

Learn the 7 Simple but Powerful Ways
to Recognize and use your Inner Guidance System.
Make the best Decisions for you and your Family starting today!

Keys and codes unlocked.
Activations that YOU need NOW to IGNITE your Inner Guidance System.

Explore, Expand and Express
Your Divine Essence using your inner guidance system!

7 Simple Steps Process

Week 1: Learn about Clairvoyance - how to recognize it and have this spiritual gift  ACTIVATED by the Present Ones

Week 2: Bonus #1 -Learn about Muscle Testing and have your body ATTUNED to using this method of receiving Inner Guidance.

Week 3: Learn about Clairaudience and all the sounds and messages you receive in this way.  Have this gift ACTIVATED.

Week 4: Bonus #2 -Learn about using a Pendulum and how it can give you guidance.  Have your body ATTUNED to using this tool.

Week 5: Learn about Clairsentience and all that it entails.  This will be ACTIVATED for you.

Week 6:  Bonus #3 - Learn how to use Divination Cards and how they can help guide you.  You will be ATTUNED to using cards for guidance.

Week 7: Learn about Claircognizance  and have this gift ACTIVATED with you.

7 Major Benefits for YOU!

Align with your Higher Self

Learn how to consistently tap into your Inner Guidance System (I.G.S.)

Have your  vibration raised to a new level and reach Higher Guidance levels

Learn how to reconize many of the ways that you receive guidance

Become a creator for your own life using this higher guidance

Receive Keys and Codes that unlock and expand your Awareness  and your gifts

Receive "Activations" of the gifts and traits you already hold within you

4 Activations and 3 Attunements  specifically for YOU!

Each week there will be a specific Language of Light "Activation"  or an "Attunement" by the Present Ones. Each week will be a special time, depending on who is at that particular session.   In these classes ,  the Present Ones  will ignite, activate or attune our gifts so that we will be able to use them to help ourselves and others.   Each week will be different depending on which section of the journey we are on.  

The Present Ones are a group of spiritual beings that work as a group energy but sometimes they speak to us as the individual that they are.  For example there are Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Saints and Sages that speak to us at various times.  It makes for very interesting classes!  They help lead the class according to what the  participant needs are.

A note from Barbara Marie...

Hi everyone!

I am so excited and pleased to offer this new program this year.  It has been a long time coming!

With the encouragement of my own angels, guides and other guidance team members I can now offer this phenomenal and life changing program.  This journey of 7 weeks, will change your life forever, giving you the activations, keys and codes that are needed to ignite your own Inner Guidance System!

It will be a pleasure to speak with you about this special journey in the form of the Inner Guidance Mastery program.  Just book a time with me for a Discovery Call  and we will see if this journey is right for you at this time.

Many blessings, Barbara Marie

Because this is an intensive program,
a Discovery Call is required.