step up and shine
Healing, Guidance and Transformation

If you are ready to Step Up and Shine this is the journey for you!
Learn to explore, expand and express your Divine Essence and live a life of joy and magic!
Attention Light Workers, Holistic Service Providers
and Spiritual Seekers!
It's time to "upgrade" your vibration and your gifts.
The world needs YOU at your BEST!

- I need CLARITY on my life purpose and how to fulfill it.
- I need CONFIRMATION to see if I am on the right track.
- I need ENCOURAGMENT to be able to carry on with this journey.
- I need more INFORMATION on what I am to offer to the world.
- I need new ways to RAISE MY VIBRATION.
- I need a new DAILY PRACTICE that gets me better results.
- I need to know the best way to CONNECT with my Higher Guidance.
This 21 week sacred journey, gives you the Inner Guidance Mastery journey (7 weeks), the Way of the Rainbow journey (7 weeks) and an additional 7 sessions to carry-on with your spiritual transformation that will create your new life changes. This all results in your living your life in alignment with your life purpose and living it with joy and magic.
Explore: Here we delve deeper into your gifts, your talents, your likes and dislikes and more into discovering who you really are and who you want to be. We look at your spiritual connections and how improve them.
Expand: We will be expanding your natural gifts, your spiritual gifts and your spiritual connections. They will be enhanced with The Language of Light Blessings and Activations.
The Present Ones, our spiritual helpers, are always on hand to help with keys, codes, and activations and new information that is specifically what you need at the time. Any blocks you have that stop you from receiving all that you desire, will be dissolved. You will leap over them easily.
Express: You will move forward with new clarity and confidence and live a life of joy and magic, enhanced by receiving your own Divine guidance consistently. You will know who you are and how to use your gifts and share them with the world.

Because this is an intensive program,
a Discovery Call is required.
Discovery Call
a few kind words from my clients
Working with Barbara Marie has been such a pleasure. Her sense of humor keeps me laughing while we still enjoy a high spiritual connection. The Present Ones have shared so much with us, and I count on them for my guidance. If I don’t understand a concept or teaching, Barbara Marie is always there to show me a higher perspective and then she “brings it down to earth”, so I understand how to use the concept in my daily life.
The courses I have attended with Barbara Marie have given me a new understanding of the sacredness of daily life. I learned to bring my spirituality into daily living and to use my daily practice to keep up my connection to the Inner Guidance System as Barbara Marie teaches.

Heather Haynes
Blessings lovely angel heart,
am sitting in my office, beginning my worksheets, and as soon as I started
typing the first letter on the first sheet, I felt an energy moving over me,
through me, emitting from me. It feels like an infusion, but a very
soft, very gentle one, and I just 'know' that this concept that you are
bringing through is 'activational' in nature.
It feels like it is a true and full connection to the energy, and not just an 'exercise.' So, I can only imagine -- if this is the just the very beginning of the process, what will happen as I move along in the program.
I am in a very deep state of gratitude for this experience, beloved sister.
Much love to you for answering spirit's call -- you are an inspiration to me.
Big, big, big hugs, Sue

Susan LeClair
This is exactly who Barbara Marie Babish is: an awakened, outstanding, clear/pure and evolved soul teacher/mentor! During the incredible divine gift I received through a session with her, Barbara Marie guided me to connect with and confirmed who my Spiritual Guides are.
Our session was one of the most highly spiritual experiences I ever had, and I have had many glorious, out-of-this-world spiritual experiences on my journey. I can easily recognize an authentic, true master, and Barbara Marie is one of them!
If you want to activate your Soul Codes and Keys and raise your vibration a session with Barbara Marie will, invariably, accelerate your awakening and evolution!
Love Always,
Medea (

Medea Bavarella Chechik