Using the 7 colors of the rainbow to connect to Divine sources for personal power and spiritual growth.
The Rainbow Codes came to Barbara Marie in the year 2008. With the Divine Guidance of “The Present Ones”, she has been able to fine tune the methods and now offers them to the public. If you are wanting to feel the Presence of God and wanting to create the miracles you have been yearning for, start using The Rainbow Methods today!
In this method, we use the colors of the rainbow in a sacred manner. Each color has a “power” that we can use to help us in our daily lives. Together, the colors synergize to connect us to a Higher Power, and help us create a life of JOY AND MAGIC.
Using the colors of the RAINBOW to create a life of JOY and MAGIC!
Keys and codes unlocked.
Activations that YOU need NOW.
Leap over
blocks that stop you from living your Divine Life and Purpose.

THE rainbow code offerings!

The Rainbow Method
of Prayer
FREE E-book
Using the 7 colors in a way to pray for miracles and happy endings. This method connects to what you want but also in alignment with what God wants. The intention is for the highest good of all, not just what YOU want. This is especially helpful when there are injured parties and personal conflicts. Many miracles have been manifested using this prayer method. It is personalized for each situation.
The Rainbow Method of Meditation
FREE E-book
Using the 7 colors in a sacred meditation process to receive Higher Guidance for yourself. Each color is used in a specific manner to create this sacred Rainbow space where your Inner Guidance System will be ignited. You may use this every day to benefit every area of your life.
The Way of the Rainbow Personal Transformation Program
This 7 week program teaches you the full power of each of the colors along with Activations by the Present Ones each week, to fully embody each color. Each week the energy builds and you receive exactly what you need to explore, expand and express your Divine Essence. You will embrace your life purpose and start to fulfill it with Love and Joy. This program is for serious spiritual seekers. It is extremely powerful if the participant is ready to receive Higher vibrations.